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Rahmadinie, Amalia, Departemen Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Brawijaya/ RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar, Malang (Indonesia)
Rajanna, Raghavendra, Department of Anaesthesiology S.N.Medical College and HSK Hospital and Research Centre, Bagalkote, Karnataka (India)
Rakhmatullah, Ramacandra, Intensivis Instalasi Anestesi dan Terapi Intensif RSU Karsa Husada Batu / Staf Pengajar Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Islam Negeri Malang (Indonesia)
Ramadhani, Dendy Dwi, Departemen Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya/RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang, Indonesia
Rani, Pedireddy Sobha, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, IMS and SUM Hospital, SOA University, Bhubaneswar, (India)
Riyanti, Riandini Pramudita, Residency Program of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Medical Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta (Indonesia)
Rizki, Aulia Nailufar, Departemen Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Brawijaya Indonesia (Indonesia)
Ruan, Tiffany, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kansas City University, Kansas City, Missouri (United States)