Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain

Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain (JAP) is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal that focuses on anaesthesia, intensive care, and pain. Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain published by Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Specialist Program, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University in collaboration with The Indonesian Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy (PERDATIN) Malang Chapter. This journal publishes original articles, case reports, and reviews. The Journal's mission is to offer the latest scientific information on anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain management by providing a forum for clinical researchers, scientists, clinicians, and other health professionals. Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain published three times a year. Subjects suitable for the Journal of Anaesthesia and Pain: All subjects related to anesthesiology, intensive care, and pain management. 

p-ISSN  2722-3167

e-ISSN  2722-3205                                   




Accepted title

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Patrick Steele, Jamie Young, Angelina Koh, Rafael Ungar, Eeman Shahzad
  Jurnal, Accepted title,  pp. 55-59  
Taufiq Agus Siswagama, Aswoco Andyk Asmoro, Houdini Pradanawan Subagyo, Buyung Hartiyo Laksono
  Jurnal, Accepted title,  pp. 60-64  
Navdeep Kaur, Jithendra Chinnappa, Sadashivan S Iyer, Govindswamy Suresh, Ashwini Turai
  Jurnal, Accepted title,  pp.   
Abhity Gulia, Pramod Kohli, Maitree Pandey
  Jurnal, Accepted title,  pp.   
Anilkumar Sangappa Ganeshnavar, Archana Endigeri, Prashant Kumar Reddy Chitti, Vinduja Nair, Chaitra Konappanavar
  Jurnal, Accepted title,  pp.   

Case Report

Anuradha Ganigara, Chandrakala K R, Bhavana DA, Mahdiyyah Mariam, Chandrika Y R
  Jurnal, Accepted title,  pp.