
Issue Title
Vol 5, No 2 (2024): May Thoracotomy: An Overview of Perioperative Anaesthetic Management Abstract  PDF
Nilesh Maganbhai Solanki, Smita Engineer, Namrata Shah, Nirmal Mistry, Soundarya Tamilanban
Vol 1, No 2 (2020): May Transversus Abdominis Plane Block sebagai Analgesia Post-operatif pada Pasien Sectio Caesarea dengan Stenosis Mitral Berat Abstract  PDF
Eko Nofiyanto, Ristiawan Muji Laksono, Isngadi Isngadi
Accepted title Comparison of Intermittent Epidural Bolus and Continuous Epidural Infusion for Postoperative Pain Management in Abdominal Surgery Patients Abstract
Taufiq Agus Siswagama, Aswoco Andyk Asmoro, Houdini Pradanawan Subagyo, Buyung Hartiyo Laksono
Vol 4, No 1 (2023): January Comparison Between Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone Given Intraperitoneally for Postoperative Pain Relief in Patients After Laparoscopic Hysterectomy – an Observational Study Abstract  PDF
Reshma Sugathan, Shari Sasikumar, Muhammed Alif
Accepted title Comparative study of epidural block with combined femoral and sciatic nerve block, in adults for lower limb surgery, using bupivacaine with fentanyl Abstract
Abhity Gulia, Pramod Kohli, Maitree Pandey
Vol 3, No 2 (2022): May Serratus Anterior Block as Analgesia in Post-Thoracotomy Patients: Serial Case Abstract  PDF
Nugroho Satya Parathon, Djudjuk Rahmad Basuki
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